Share your love of horses when you contribute to us at Resqranch, a local horse rescue in Conifer, CO. The hospital does not own and operate the Resqranch as it is it’s own 501c3 nonprofit operating under the name ResqRanch Powered by the Prince of Flame Fund. A portion of all proceeds for Aspen Park Vet are donated to the Resqranch. Our horse rescue serves to help ex-racing and other horses live a long life. The ResqRanch is the premier positive reinforcement education and animal sanctuary in the area. Join us today to make a difference in the life of an animal.
Our Racing Horse Rescue Mission
Did you know that the USDA estimates that about 120,000 horses are exported to Mexico and Canada each year for slaughter, with their meat exported to Europe and Japan for human consumption? Unfortunately, many of these animals are former racing horses, wild mustangs, and others who were not given a second chance at life.
Resqranch was first started as a way to educate more people about the need for homes for ex-racing horses and has developed into so much more throughout the years. Our mission is to educate, inform, and inspire through the rescues in our care. We currently offer DrQ’s How to Train Any Horse to do Anything, by Anyone, horse training masterclass, and are in the process of creating a “Train-The-Trainer” program, while continuing our wildly successful Horses 101! course for children and adults, a FREE program for the community. Stay tuned or contact us for more information on the services from our animal hospital and racing horse rescue. Mission Statement: Strengthening the emotional connection between animals and their people, to help more of both live happier and healthier, longer. Through education, while eliminating the need for animal shelters and rescues in the first place.
Contribute to Our Racing Horse Rescue
The Prince of Flame Fund, a Colorado registered Charity, was created in honor of one of our rescued horses. Flame was donated to us in August of 2012.
How can you help? It costs about $650 a month to provide one rescue animal with food, general care, and hoof maintenance. Even a small monthly contribution of $25 to our horse rescue goes a long way to help cover the costs of ongoing care for our animals. Our horse rescue accepts donations of all amounts from those looking to sponsor a horse through our website.
In addition to donations, you can make a difference in the life of an animal when you volunteer with our racing horse rescue. We are always looking for extra help around the area. From grant writing to building fences, our volunteers are responsible for a series of different jobs.
Contact us in Conifer, Colorado, to learn more about our horse rescue. Our racing horse rescue cares for ex-racing and other horses throughout Central Colorado, including areas from Aurora to Bailey.